Hiring, Onboarding, and Time-Reporting tasks
Complete Timecards
All staff must complete a timecard every two weeks in CORE-CT. https://ess.uconn.edu/
- Click CORE-CT Sign On to login
- Click Core CT Job Aids for detailed instructions
- Instructions for completing timecard
- Common Time Reporting Codes.
Description | Code | Description | Code | |
Hours Worked | REG | Holiday | HOL | |
Hours Worked Telecommute | REG + override code UCTEL | Holiday Worked* | HWCE | |
Vacation | VAC | Jury Duty | LJURY | |
Personal Days | PL | Sick | SICK | |
Accrued Holiday Time Taken | HCU | Sick Child or Parent | SC | |
Medical Appointment | SP | Funeral-Immediate Family | SFFNR | |
Child or Parent Medical Appt | SCSP | Funeral - not immediate family | SFNRL |
* To enter time for a holiday that you work, enter one line for HOL showing the full days hours and a second line for HWCE to credit the hours worked to your accrued hours.
- paycheck dates and holidays
- Timecards must be completed no later than close of business the Tuesday before the pay period closes. Looking at the calendar, pay periods close the Thursday before each check date shown in the green boxes. If you have an unexpected change after completing your timecard (such as becoming sick for the end of the pay period), it can be adjusted later.
For Supervisors: Approving time in Core-CT:
- For all hourly positions (Student Labor, Work Study or Special Payroll), the student/hire will enter in their hours as worked each week on their timesheet in Core-CT and the supervisor will approve all hours at the end of each pay period.
- For all Lump Sum positions, the supervisor must enter in the bi-weekly sum to be paid out for each pay period on the student's timesheet in Core-CT. This entry by the supervisor also serves as the approval step, so no further supervisor approval is required once you have submitted their timesheet.
- Lump sum positions do function DIFFERENTLY from a Stipend, which is used for Special Payroll, even though the terminology is often used when referring to either. Students receiving Lump Sums require entry/approval by the student supervisor in Core-CT.
- For all Special Payroll Stipends, these stipends are preset to automatically pay out bi-weekly over the course of their contract term and do not require further approval from the supervisor.
Hire a New Employee, submit a Data Change, or Initiate a Search
Student Labor/Work Study
Detailed Information about the University's Student Labor & Work Study programs can be found here
Student Pay Scale -Effective January 1, 2025
Class I - $16.35
Class II - $16.50 - $17.70
Class III - $17.75 - $19.70
Class IV - $19.75 - $35.05
For more information, contact: Student Employment at studentjobs@uconn.edu
- Complete the ISS Student Labor/Work Study Hiring Form
- Note: Darren manages all hiring information in Core-CT, and Sarah will reach out directly to the new hire to complete onboarding paperwork including the I9 form for Storrs campus hires only. You will receive notification as soon as the student has completed the necessary onboarding forms and can begin working.
- For all ISS hires across all campuses, Sarah will verify if an I9 form is needed through the payroll department. If a new I9 form does need to be completed, Sarah will reach out to the new hire copying the supervisor and the appropriate Regional Campus contact if necessary. This message will explain that UConn is now using the HireRight system for processing I9 forms, the process is very straightforward but will need to be completed by the new hire in-person on the appropriate campus.
- For reference: contacts for completing the I9 form via HireRight for Regional campuses:
- Avery Point – Cynthia (Cindy) Bernardo cynthia.bernardo@uconn.edu
- Hartford – Nicole Williams nicole.williams@uconn.edu
- Stamford – Kelly Ann Schneider kelly_ann.schneider@uconn.edu
- Waterbury – (special payroll or staff) Dolores Ragauskas dolores.ragauskas@uconn.edu (student labor) Cindy Jurzynski cynthia.jurzynski@uconn.edu
- For reference: contacts for completing the I9 form via HireRight for Regional campuses:
- For reference: Student Labor - Work Study Pay Scale
Special Payroll
- Complete ISS PageUp Special Payroll Hiring Form
- Note: Darren manages all hiring information in Core-CT, Sarah will reach out directly to the new hire to complete onboarding paperwork including the I9 form for Storrs campus hires only. You will receive notification as soon as the new hire has completed the necessary onboarding forms and can begin working. The Special Payroll Manual can be found at Special Payroll Manual - Titles and Definitions
- Provide prospective employee with appropriate PageUp link found at: PageUp Special Payroll Hiring Procedures
- Background Check information. The UConn Human Resources Background Check Team has requested additional information about the job duties for special payroll appointments in order to determine when a background check is needed. In an effort to streamline the Special Payroll background check review process, job duty questions have been added directly to the PageUp hire request. If you have questions, please contact the Background Check Team at hr-cbc@uconn.edu
- Questions are as follows:
- Will this hire be required, as an essential function of their job, to drive a University vehicle and/or drive others in the University community?
- Will this hire be teaching, advising, or supervising UConn students (undergraduate and/or graduate or non-credit students) in any capacity for the duration of this appointment?
- Will this hire be working with, teaching, advising, or supervising minors in any capacity for the duration of this appointment?
- Will this hire have access to confidential and/or security sensitive information (confidential financial records, confidential employee or student records, confidential personal identifiable information, cash)?
- Will this hire have security sensitive building, lab, dorm/apartment access, beyond access to their personal assigned space, that is otherwise not accessible to the general public?
- Questions are as follows:
UCPEA Position
- All UCPEA position searches must be approved prior to posting to PageUp.
- Please complete the Vacant Position Request Form and UCPEA Job Posting Template and send directly to david.ouimette@uconn.edu for official approval.
- Once approved, please contact Sarah.Farrell@UConn.edu to begin the posting process in the PageUp system.
- For more information about the search process, please view UCPEA Search Timeline.
Data Changes
- For active Student Labor or Work Study positions in need of a change in end date, funding change, job code, pay rate, or any combination, please submit an ISS Core-CT Data Change Form
- For all data changes involving a Special Payroll position, please submit a new ISS PageUp Special Payroll Hiring Form.
Request a Change to Regular Work Schedule
Please note, all University telecommuting and flexible work schedule policies are subject to change and directly dependent on departmental/program needs.
Employees should discuss any changes to work schedule with their direct supervisor.
Please complete the Telecommuting and Flexible Work Schedule form available on the Human Resources website.
Request Comp Time
Please review ISS COMP Time Policy & Procedures-June 2022
Complete and submit Comp-Time-Accrual-Form to Dr. Starke at tstarke@UConn.edu, cc: Berkeley.Nowosad@UConn.edu for final approval and signature.
- As noted on form, managers should retain a copy of the completed form for at least one year.
Purchasing tasks
For reference: Pro card vs. Travel card
Big Y or BJ’s Purchase
Big Y
- To request a Big Y card, please contact Sarah.Farrell@UConn.edu. Include full name, Department, Department address, and KFS account to be charged.
- Please CC immediate supervisor to indicate approval.
- Use the Big Y card like a credit card. You are responsible for indicating the University’s tax-exempt status at the time of purchase.
- After purchase, draft a signed memo including date of purchase, exact amount spent, and brief explanation of the purpose of the purchase.
- Send directly to Sarah Farrell via campus mail (U-4170) and include original receipt. Physical, original receipts are required to keep on file for audit purposes.
BJ’s and Target- NEW!
Note: Because these purchases will use a P-card to complete, Business Office staff must submit for approval with University Purchasing prior to placing the order. Please allow for up to two weeks of processing time.
- Using the BJ's website or the Target website , select the store for your order, put together your complete order in a shopping cart, including quantities you want for each item. Once you cart is complete, save screenshots of your cart into one document and upload the cart into the ISS Expense/Purchase Request Form.
Provide Food for a Meeting or Event
Business (staff and/or student labor) meeting on or off campus:
If using local vendors such as Gansett Wraps
Payment: ONLY a travel card must be used. More information about travel cards can be found at: https://travel.uconn.edu/
- Procedure:
- Discuss meal plans and attain approval from your program supervisor.
- Obtain a quote from the vendor of choice.
- The quote should show an itemized list of everything to be ordered/provided including delivery costs or plates/napkins, the date of the event, and should also reflect our tax-exempt status.
- Note: ISS Business Office can provide the tax-exempt form to you or send it directly to the vendor.
- The quote should show an itemized list of everything to be ordered/provided including delivery costs or plates/napkins, the date of the event, and should also reflect our tax-exempt status.
- Complete the Student Success Business Meal Form and obtain proper authorization
- Note: this will be submitted when you reconcile the expense in Concur.
- Complete the ISS Expense/Purchase Request Form , selecting External Catering as the expense type and include your Business Meal Form as an attachment.
- Keep a copy of the itemized receipt to be included with the expense report, along with your meeting agenda, list of attendees and original quote. These documents are required to be uploaded when submitting an expense report for your travel card in Concur.
- Once the charges have posted in Concur, you will need to submit the expense report for your travel card.
If using University Catering
- Review menus and policies at https://dining.uconn.edu/university-catering/
- Get permission from your Department Head to incur expense and identify which KFS to use
- Complete Dining Services' Catering Request Form including KFS account
- Catering will be in touch to finalize details and will send a final agreement
- This agreement must be signed by a Department Head and returned to catering
Event for students (not staff or student employees):
If using local vendors such as Gansett Wraps, Moe's, Pizza Mike's, etc.:
Payment: Purchase Order via HuskyBuy for approved vendors appearing in HuskyBuy, ProCard for non-approved vendors OR if there is not enough time to generate a PO via HuskyBuy.
- Obtain a quote from the vendor of choice.
- The quote should show an itemized list of everything to be ordered/provided including delivery costs or plates/napkins, the date of the event, and should also reflect our tax-exempt status.
- Note: ISS Business Office can provide the tax-exempt form to you or send it directly to the vendor.
- The quote should show an itemized list of everything to be ordered/provided including delivery costs or plates/napkins, the date of the event, and should also reflect our tax-exempt status.
- For all external catering/food requests, please complete the ISS Expense/Purchase Request Form and select External Catering as the expense type.
- Note: If you are unsure if an approved University vendor or accepts Purchase Orders, you can check on HuskyBuy by selecting the "External Catering" link and searching under "Suppliers".
- If choosing a vendor that is not an approved University vendor, a ProCard may be used for this purchase AFTER receiving permission from the purchasing department.
- This is required before ISS Business Office staff can obtain permission from purchasing to utilize the ProCard, which can take several days. It is recommended to get your request in as far in advance as possible.
- Obtain a quote from the vendor of choice.
5. Documentation required after the event:
- For Purchase Order purchases, an invoice from the vendor is required and can be sent via email. If the vendor chooses to send this directly to Accounts Payable, they can do so by emailing APInvoices@uconn.edu and will need to reference the original Purchase Order number. If the vendor sends an invoice to you directly, please forward that invoice to darren.thorne@uconn.edu (CAPS/LSAMP/McNair) or taylor.robichaud@uconn.edu (AAC/FYE/FYP/IZone/LCs) and they will get that over to Accounts Payable.
- For ProCard purchases, itemized receipt and list of attendees should be given to Darren Thorne (CAPS/LSAMP/McNair) or Taylor Robichaud (AAC/FYE/FYP/IZone/LCs) within 24 hours of the event, or the next business day if the event is over a weekend.
If using University Catering:
- Review menu’s and policies at https://dining.uconn.edu/university-catering/
- Complete Catering Request Form including KFS account
- Someone will be in touch to finalize details and a supervisor signature will be required on a form provided by catering.
Purchase Office Supplies or Computer Equipment
General Office Supplies
- Please search the appropriate storefront in HuskyBuy to find specific items you wish to request.
- WB Mason is the most commonly used storefront for general office supplies.
- Note: If you cannot find your needed items in HuskyBuy, please search on Amazon.com or Walmart.com and include specific information on the Expense Request Form.
- Complete the ISS Expense/Purchase Request Form listing specific items that you wish to purchase.
- Please ensure that any purchase request has been approved by the supervisor/department head as needed and that the purchase falls within your budget.
- Please allow at least two weeks to process any purchase request.
Computer Equipment
- Several times each year the University participates in a “PC Refresh Program” offering computers and accessories at a discounted rate. Price lists during the Refresh period are provided by ITS.
- Note: Computer and accessory purchases are not limited to these periods of time, but it is highly recommended as discounts can be significant.
- Sarah Farrell can assist in putting together quotes for new computer equipment. Please email sarah.farrell@uconn.edu describing specific needs. Once the quote is approved by the direct supervisor, Sarah can help place the order.
Request a Gift Card
Please complete the ISS Expense/Purchase Request Form and select Gift Cards as your expense type.
KFS Account to be charged for Gift Cards: Account number MUST start with a 4, 5, or 6 (not 2).
- Gift cards should be educational in nature, when possible. Generic cards such as MasterCard, Visa or American Express are not allowable.
- All gift cards must be pre-approved by purchasing department before cards can be purchased.
- Gift cards should only be purchased for immediate needs, and not be stockpiled in the department for distribution at a later date. Remember, cardholders can be liable for repayment of undistributed gift cards.
Please remember that state employees, including faculty, staff, graduate assistants, and student workers CANNOT receive gift cards.
Upon receiving the gift cards, students should sign the ISS Gift Card Acknowledgment Form. When this form is complete, please return to Darren.Thorne@UConn.edu.
Request and Book Travel
Requesting Travel
- Discuss all travel plans with Program or Department Supervisor, including appropriate funding sources prior to incurring travel related expenses.
- All Travelers must have a UConn Travel Card (card not required to submit mileage reimbursement)
- Create Travel Request in Concur and submit for supervisor and fiscal officer approval
- Once approved, use Travel Card to book travel.
Business related travel is booked independently on: https://travel.uconn.edu/
To request a University Travel Card, visit: https://travel.uconn.edu/university-travel-cards/
- Requesting a Travel Card "cheat sheet"
Request to book bus transportation, attain a quote and send to Darren.Thorne@UConn.edu
- For a coach bus or van, attain a quote for your trip via The Bus Network - Booking Widget (dattco.com)
- Further information on booking a bus with Dattco can be found here.
- For a school bus, request a quote via Z1CustomerCare@firstgroup.com
Request a Work Order, Surplus pick up, or Shred pick up
Work Order
- For urgent or time sensitive requests, please contact Facilities Operations directly at 860-486-3113. https://fo.uconn.edu/
- For non-urgent requests, please send description with as much detail as possible to Sarah.Farrell@UConn.edu. Include KFS for any charges incurred.
Surplus pick-up
- Please send request to either Darren.Thorne@UConn.edu or Sarah.Farrell@UConn.edu
- Note: If you are getting rid of a computer, it must first be wiped of data. Please arrange to get the computer to Sarah Farrell to take care of that process for you.
Shred pick-up
- Before shredding, please make sure documents are allowed to be destroyed. Review Retention Schedule here: https://rim.uconn.edu/record-retention-schedules/ and complete RC108 if necessary.
- For questions, contact berkeley.nowosad@uconn.edu
- Submit shred request at: https://warehouse.uconn.edu/shredding-service-form/
- Note: Be sure to include acceptable pick-up times. Shredding services cannot access offices when they are not staffed.
ISS Special Funding Request
This Special Funding Request is designed to provide funding to support an initiative, program, project, or resource to promote student access, transition, and/or postsecondary success. Any staff member within ISS may request funding that can serve one of these purposes. Funding is designed to support only those projects or resources that would not normally be affordable under your department’s regular budget or does not currently exist as a planned expense. Money could be spent on an individual program or event for students or staff, facilities improvements or equipment, student or staff professional development, or other item/resource that can demonstrate an impact in supporting our students as they reach towards their success.
This process is meant to provide you with the latitude to be creative and innovative. Also, requests that demonstrate a collaboration between you/your office and another unit within ISS or another University partner are encouraged and will receive prioritization in funding considerations.
The Process
- Requests should be submitted using the ISS Special Funding Request Form.
- Please include a strong rationale for all requests demonstrating how they will further the mission of ISS. Our updated mission, vision, and values statements can be found here.
- Requests are designed to supplement not supplant existing funding. So, requests should be reviewed with your supervisor and/or department head prior to submission.
- A budget narrative will be required that outlines how funds will be spent.
- All requests will be reviewed in the ISS Administrative Offices and decisions will be provided on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted.
Although there is no limit in the amount you can request, the Special Funding Requests are designed as micro-grants, so be mindful as you are planning your requests.
We look forward to the ideas that you want to move forward to promote the mission of ISS and our students’ success at UConn.
Money will be distributed on a first come first serve basis so please complete your requests as soon as possible.
Report and/or Resolve IT Issues
For support with the large department printer/copiers: please contact Sarah.Farrell@UConn.edu
For issues with laptops, desktops, or personal printers please contact UConn IT Support. Their contact information is below:
- Web chat: https://techsupport.uconn.edu/
- Email: techsupport@uconn.edu
- Call: 860-486-4357
Request Meeting and/or Workspace
CAPS Workspace
- Please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/r/bLqLa6Bqgm with the employee's weekly schedule
Rowe Building
- Conference rooms 230, 331E, 420 or campus classrooms. Sarah.Farrell@uconn.edu to check availability and make the reservation. Please include requested location, date/time, anticipated number of guests, event name and/or a brief description, and any special accommodations including technical needs or if food is being served.
- Campus Classrooms can be reserved via the online EMS system. Alternatively, Sarah Farrell can assist.
- Conference room 234. Please contact Rachel.Mongillo@uconn.edu to check availability and make the reservation. Please include date/time, anticipated number of guests, event name and/or a brief description, and any special accommodations including technical needs or if food is being served.
- Werth Tower, contact: Taylor.Robichaud@UConn.edu. Include the requested room, date/time, number of guests, event name and/or brief description, and KFS.
Other Spaces at Storrs Campus
Validate Garage Parking for Guests
Please provide information approximately one week in advance of the date parking is needed.
Contact sarah.farrell@uconn.edu (AAC/ACES/CAP/LSAMP) or Taylor.Robichaud@uconn.edu (FYP/LC) and provide the following information:
- Vehicle State:
- Vehicle Plate #:
- Guest name (optional)
- Date parking required:
- Start Time for parking:
- End Time for parking:
- Garage: North or South
- KFS to be charged:
Quick Links
Purchasing links:
ISS Expense/Purchase Request Form
ISS External Catering Request Form
Student Success Business Meal Form
ISS Gift Card/Prize Acknowledgement Form
Hiring form links:
ISS PageUp Special Payroll Hiring Form
ISS Student Labor/Work Study Hiring Form
Special Funding Request:
ISS Special Funding Request Form
PageUp Search Links:
- ISS Academic Programs Center Storrs Special Payroll Instructional Support
- Instructional Specialist Storrs (Stipend or Hourly) – Search #49413 Titles: Instructional Specialist, Academic Technician, Academic Specialist
- ISS Academic Programs Center Storrs Special Payroll Teaching
- Adjunct Faculty Storrs (Stipend) – Search # 494076 Titles: Adjunct Faculty or Special Payroll Lecturer
- ISS Academic Programs Center Storrs Special Payroll Graduate
- Graduate Assistant Storrs (Stipend or Hourly) – Search #493936 Titles: Graduate Instructional Specialist, Graduate Student Technician, Graduate Special Payroll Lecturer, and Graduate Overload
- ISS Academic Programs Center Storrs Special Payroll
- Special Payroll Storrs (all other titles) – Search # 493637 Titles: Temporary University Specialist, Project/Program Specialist, Public Service Technician/Specialist, Research Specialist/Technician, etc.
Avery Point:
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Avery Point Special Payroll
- Avery Point Special Payroll (all other positions) – Search #497676 Titles: Temporary University Specialist, Project/Program Specialist, Public Service Technician/Specialist, Research Specialist/Technician, etc.
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Avery Point Special Payroll Teaching
- Avery Point Teaching (Stipend) - Search # 498427 Titles: Adjunct Faculty or Special Payroll Lecturer
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Avery Point Special Payroll Graduate
- Avery Point Graduate (Stipend or Hourly) - Search # 498425 Titles: Graduate Instructional Specialist, Graduate Student Technician, Graduate Special Payroll Lecturer, and Graduate Overload
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Avery Point Instructional Support
- Avery Point Instructional Support (Stipend or Hourly) - Search # 498426 Titles: Instructional Specialist, Academic Technician, Academic Specialist
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Hartford Special Payroll
- Hartford Special Payroll (all other positions) – Search #497675 Titles: Temporary University Specialist, Project/Program Specialist, Public Service Technician/Specialist, Research Specialist/Technician, etc.
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Hartford Special Payroll Teaching
- Hartford Teaching (Stipend) - Search # 498430 Titles: Adjunct Faculty or Special Payroll Lecturer
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Hartford Special Payroll Graduate
- Hartford Graduate (Stipend or Hourly) - Search # 498428 Titles: Graduate Instructional Specialist, Graduate Student Technician, Graduate Special Payroll Lecturer, and Graduate Overload
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Hartford Special Payroll Instructional Support
- Hartford Instructional Support (Stipend or Hourly) - Search # 498429 Titles: Instructional Specialist, Academic Technician, Academic Specialist
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Stamford Special Payroll
- Stamford Special Payroll (all other positions) – Search #497674 Titles: Temporary University Specialist, Project/Program Specialist, Public Service Technician/Specialist, Research Specialist/Technician, etc.
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Stamford Special Payroll Teaching
- Stamford Teaching (Stipend) - Search # 498433 Titles: Adjunct Faculty or Special Payroll Lecturer
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Stamford Special Payroll Graduate
- Stamford Graduate (Stipend or Hourly) - Search # 498431 Titles: Graduate Instructional Specialist, Graduate Student Technician, Graduate Special Payroll Lecturer, and Graduate Overload
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Stamford Special Payroll Instructional Support
- Stamford Instructional Support (Stipend or Hourly) - Search # 498432 Titles: Instructional Specialist, Academic Technician, Academic Specialist
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Waterbury Special Payroll
- Waterbury Special Payroll (all other positions) – Search #497677 Titles: Temporary University Specialist, Project/Program Specialist, Public Service Technician/Specialist, Research Specialist/Technician, etc.
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Waterbury Special Payroll Teaching
- Waterbury Teaching (Stipend) - Search # 498424 Titles: Adjunct Faculty or Special Payroll Lecturer
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Waterbury Special Payroll Graduate
- Waterbury Graduate (Stipend or Hourly) - Search # 498422 Titles: Graduate Instructional Specialist, Graduate Student Technician, Graduate Special Payroll Lecturer, and Graduate Overload
- ISS Cntr for Access PScnd Succ Waterbury Special Payroll Instructional Support
- Waterbury Instructional Support (Stipend or Hourly) - Search # 498423 Titles: Instructional Specialist, Academic Technician, Academic Specialist